


在 PowerShell 中输入下面内容,保证允许本地脚本的执行
set-executionpolicy remotesigned -scope currentuser

然后执行下面的命令安装 Scoop:

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')


scoop help



Usage: scoop <command> [<args>]

Some useful commands are:

alias       Manage scoop aliases # 管理指令的替身
bucket      Manage Scoop buckets # 管理软件仓库
cache       Show or clear the download cache # 查看与管理缓存
checkup     Check for potential problems # 做个体检
cleanup     Cleanup apps by removing old versions # 清理缓存与旧版本软件包
config      Get or set configuration values # 配置Scoop
create      Create a custom app manifest # 创建自定义软件包
depends     List dependencies for an app # 查看依赖
export      Exports (an importable) list of installed apps # 导出软件包列表
help        Show help for a command # 显示帮助指令
hold        Hold an app to disable updates # 禁止软件包更新
home        Opens the app homepage # 打开软件包主页
info        Display information about an app # 显示软件包信息
install     Install apps # 安装软件包的指令
list        List installed apps # 列出所有已安装软件包
prefix      Returns the path to the specified app # 查看软件包路径
reset       Reset an app to resolve conflicts # 恢复软件包版本
search      Search available apps # 搜索软件包
status      Show status and check for new app versions # 查看软件包更新状态
unhold      Unhold an app to enable updates # 启动软件包更新
uninstall   Uninstall an app # 卸载软件包的指令
update      Update apps, or Scoop itself # 更新软件包
virustotal  Look for app hash on virustotal.com # 查看哈希值
which       Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux) # 查看可执行程序路径


Scoop 安装以及常用软件清单
「一行代码」搞定软件安装卸载,用 Scoop 管理你的 Windows 软件